Error Handle


The Error struct in Hertz:

type Error struct {
   Err  error
   Type ErrorType
   Meta interface{}

Err is standard error, Type is the type of error, Meta is the metadata.

Error Type

In order to handle errors more efficiently, Hertz has predefined the following error types:

// Error in binding process 
ErrorTypeBind ErrorType = 1 << iota
// Error in rendering process
// Hertz private errors that business need not be aware
// Hertz public errors that require external perception as opposed to Private
// Other Error

It is recommended to define the corresponding errors according to the error type.

Custom Error

Using the following functions:

// shortcut for creating a public *Error from string
func NewPublic(err string) *Error {
   return New(errors.New(err), ErrorTypePublic, nil)

// shortcut for creating a private *Error from string
func NewPrivate(err string) *Error {
   return New(errors.New(err), ErrorTypePrivate, nil)

func New(err error, t ErrorType, meta interface{}) *Error {
   return &Error{
      Err:  err,
      Type: t,
      Meta: meta,

func Newf(t ErrorType, meta interface{}, format string, v ...interface{}) *Error {
	return New(fmt.Errorf(format, v...), t, meta)

func NewPublicf(format string, v ...interface{}) *Error {
	return New(fmt.Errorf(format, v...), ErrorTypePublic, nil)

func NewPrivatef(format string, v ...interface{}) *Error {
	return New(fmt.Errorf(format, v...), ErrorTypePrivate, nil)

Relevant functions

signature description
SetType(flags ErrorType) *Error set the ErrorType to the given flags
Error() string implement the error interface
Unwrap() error throw an error
SetMeta(data interface{}) *Error set the Meta to the given data
IsType(flags ErrorType) bool determine whether the ErrorType matches the given flags
JSON() interface{} convert the error to a json object


In addition to the conventions for error definition, the framework also provides ErrorChain capability. As the name implies, it is easy for the business to bind all errors encountered on a request processing to the error chain, which can facilitate the subsequent (usually in the middleware) unified processing of all errors.

Relevant functions

signature description
String() string return a human-readable text for displaying all errors
Errors() []string convert the ErrorChain to an array of standard errors
ByType(typ ErrorType) ErrorChain return the corresponding sub-ErrorChain for the given error type
Last() *Error return the last error
JSON() interface{} convert all errors to a json object

How To Use

The corresponding API is: RequestContext.Error(err), and calling this API will tie the err to the corresponding request context.

Method to get all the errors that have been bound by the request context: RequestContext.Errors.

// go run this code and use your browser to access localhost:80880/error
package main

import (


func main() {
	h := server.New(server.WithHostPorts(":8080"))

	h.GET("/error", handle1, handle2, handle3)


func handle1(_ context.Context, c *app.RequestContext) {
	_ = c.Error(errors.New("first err"))

func handle2(_ context.Context, c *app.RequestContext) {
	_ = c.Error(errors.New("second err"))

func handle3(_ context.Context, c *app.RequestContext) {
    c.JSON(consts.StatusOK, c.Errors.Errors())

Last modified July 3, 2023 : Update (a72ae9e)